• 0032-478-330622
  • info@predon.be
  • Sberchamps, Belgium

Food sovereignty and consumer sovereignty: Two antagonistic goals?

The concept of food sovereignty is becoming an element of everyday parlance in development politics and food justice advocacy. Yet to successfully achieve food sovereignty, the demands within this movement have to be compatible with the way people are pursuing consumer sovereignty and vice versa. The aim of this article is to examine the different sets of demands that the […]

Blindspots and Emerging Knowledge: The Entry of STS into Agriculture and Food

In 2015, food and agriculture seldom left popular news headlines. Bee colonies continued to inexplicably collapse across the United States and Europe, raising questions about pesticides, diseases, ecological stress, or a potent combination as the cause. International regulatory scientists concluded that Roundup (a pesticide widely used in combination with GM crops) is a ‘probable carcinogen’, instantly provoking industry actors into […]

Et pourquoi pas pratiquer un nouveau modèle de gouvernance collaborative : La Stigmergie?

L’expérimentation du Pré Don au sujet des modèles de gouvernances nous amène à considérer d’autres approches. Le travail commencé d’une gestion par gouvernance partagée et l’utilisation des outils issus de la sociocratie, de l’holacracy et des travaux de l’Université du Nous auxquels nous avons participé dans le cadre des Jardins du Nous et de la facilitation, nous montrent parfois la […]