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This review paper explores the complexity of relation between innovation and sustainability and relates it to the agro-food arena. Many scholars argue that meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires major transformation in modes of innovation. As for the agro-food system, relationship between innovation and sustainability is far from straightforward. Innovation (especially technical one) provides a fertile ground for alternative […]

Agroecologically efficient agricultural systems for smallholder farmers: contributions to food sovereignty

The realization of the contribution of peasant agriculture to food security in the midst of scenarios of climate change, economic and energy crisis, led to the concepts of food sovereignty and agroecologically based production systems to gain much attention in the developing world in the last two decades. New approaches and technologies involving application of blended modern agricultural science and […]

Food sovereignty and consumer sovereignty: Two antagonistic goals?

The concept of food sovereignty is becoming an element of everyday parlance in development politics and food justice advocacy. Yet to successfully achieve food sovereignty, the demands within this movement have to be compatible with the way people are pursuing consumer sovereignty and vice versa. The aim of this article is to examine the different sets of demands that the […]

Forest Gardens baseline survey report

All permaculture sites are experimental in nature. One reason is the bespoke character of every permaculture solution. We may be able to apply universal patterns, but the way they are used is always influenced by local conditions and the intentions, resources and limitations of the people involved. A second reason is the fact that permaculture is a very young discipline. […]

Blindspots and Emerging Knowledge: The Entry of STS into Agriculture and Food

In 2015, food and agriculture seldom left popular news headlines. Bee colonies continued to inexplicably collapse across the United States and Europe, raising questions about pesticides, diseases, ecological stress, or a potent combination as the cause. International regulatory scientists concluded that Roundup (a pesticide widely used in combination with GM crops) is a ‘probable carcinogen’, instantly provoking industry actors into […]